Navigating CSIeSafe

To access CSIeSafe, enter into your browser address bar and press Enter. The CSIeSafe Login screen (or Home page) will display. The following tabs are located across the top of this screen:

Home: This is the first screen that you see when accessing (also referred to as the Login screen). The Highlights portion of the screen lists basic information regarding CSIeSafe, while the Login portion allows both New Users and Current Members to access CSIeSafe.

New User:  This tab opens a screen that allows new users to set up a CSIeSafe account. Simply enter your email address in the text box and click Continue. An Email Confirmation box will display with the following message:

The email you receive will contain your username and temporary password. You must go to and login to complete the process.

NOTE: The "New User" option is also available below the login information for Current Members.


Forgot Password: This tab directs users who have forgotten their passwords to enter their full email address in the text box that is provided. After clicking Email Me, the following message will display:

"An email has been sent to your normal mail account."

The email will contain a link that you must follow in order to reset your password. Click on the link and follow the directions provided. Once your password has been successfully changed, you will be directed back to the CSIeSafe Home page (Login screen).

NOTE: The "Forgot Password" option is also available below the login information for Current Members.

Requirements: This tab will show you more information about the requirements for using CSIeSafe, including browser settings and plug-in information.

Help: This tab opens the CSIeSafe help page.